Sunday, June 29, 2008


06/29/2008 09:26pm by Amy

are meaningful to me.  Since Lydia's passing, every time I see one I think of her.  I don't really see them all that often, which makes it extra special when I do have that moment.  

Did you know that a butterfly is a Christian symbol of resurrection?  The caterpillar signifies life here on earth.  It disappears into a cocoon and appears dead, but later emerges as a butterfly...far more beautiful and free than before.  Lydia emerged from her cocoon a glorious butterfly, bound not for this world but one very close by.  When I see a butterfly, I think of Lydia's new life in heaven, where every part of her is perfect... and I feel peaceful.

Yesterday I received a beautiful gift in the mail from some old friends from my mom's group in South Bend.  A card with a butterfly magnet on it, with a note that it was meant for us with our magnetic wall  :-).  AND a special card from the Potawatomi Zoological Society (zoo in South Bend) that reads:

Dear Focosi Family,
A commemorative brick has been purchased in memory of Lydia Grace.  The brick will be placed in the walkway that paves our new butterfly immersion exhibit--a lush and beautiful garden filled with butterflies.  The brick inscription will read:  IN LOVING MEMORY OF LYDIA GRACE

Isn't that just the neatest thing??? I don't even keep in touch with these friends like I would like, so I am especially humbled that they would do this.  It is such an appropriate way to honor and remember Lydia and I cannot thank them enough.  I can't wait to see the me an excuse to get up there.  SB friends-play date at the zoo, anyone???

I leave you with this...a butterfly in Lydia's garden in our yard.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Six Months

06/03/2008 08:32am by Amy

It was six months ago today that we welcomed Lydia into this world. It was six months ago today that we said goodbye. I wish I had something poignant to say on this special date, but I don’t. I feel like all of my energy is directed toward my living child who needs me today. 

So, instead of my attempt at meaningful words, I am sharing a video with you. I thought it was the perfect day to share this music and moment with the world. This is a video of our friends, Lindsay and Mike, singing at Lydia’s memorial service. The acoustics and lighting are lacking, yet it is still beautiful and perfect. I just love them so much for blessing us (and now all of you) in this way. I requested two songs that I thought reflected our feelings about Lydia and God: It Is Well With My Soul and Wonderful, Merciful Savior. The message still holds true today. Lydia—when in my womb, when born and passed in my arms, when in heaven and NOT physically with us here today—was and continues to be well with our souls. He is a wonderful and merciful savior And He gives us the healing and grace.